Butterworth’s Family Law Service Vol 1 to 7 Complete Law Books Set




Butterworths Family Law Service is the leading looseleaf work on family law. It provides authoritative guidance on all aspects of the law as it affects families and family breakdown and includes extensive coverage of child law. ADR options are also explored in detail, with practical guidance on mediation, collaborative law, arbitration and Islamic and Jewish ADR. It deals with the law as it applies to married and unmarried partners and their children and provides coverage of all other important family law matters including domestic violence, custody and financial provision. This authoritative work has been extensively rewritten and restructured to ensure that it is as accessible and as contemporary a treatment of the law as possible. It comes to you in eight volumes plus a Tables, Index and Bulletins volume. Each volume covers a discrete area of law and contains a comprehensive collection of all statutory materials, practice directions, circulars and precedents relevant to the subject matter of the volume including important extracts from the Civil Procedures Rules, Rules of the Supreme Court, the County Court Rules, the Family Proceedings Rules and the various Rules applicable to the magistrates’ courts.

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