All England Law Reports Complete Law Books Set 1936 To 2007




The All England Law Reports is a general series of law reports enjoying an unrivalled reputation in all common law jurisdictions. Published in weekly parts, it provides, in full text, cases heard by the House of Lords, the Privy Council, both divisions of the Court of Appeal and all divisions of the High Court in a consistent and reader-friendly style.

Cases are clearly presented with catchwords and headnotes summarising the judgments clearly and accurately. Cross-references are given to other major legal works, including Halsburys Laws, Halsburys Statutes and Statutory Instruments and The Digest, which means that no important reference is excluded.

The Noter-up service, issued ten times per year, keeps the volumes up to date by providing labels that can be added to a case to indicate whether it still holds as current law.

The Annual Review is a volume of essays outlining the major cases and developments that have occurred across a wide range of legal subjects to ensure the reader has the most up-to-date information to hand.

The All England Law Reports also publishes specialist series on Commercial Cases and European Cases, available as separate subscription products (see separate entries for these series).

A Current Tables and Index is issued four times a year, covering all cases reported during the calendar year, up to the date of issue. These are combined into a cumulative index at the end of the year. A consolidated Tables and Index is published every year.



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